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Meet the Ambassadors of the Corporate Housing Innovation Summit πŸ‘

AltoVita is excited to welcome thought leaders from across the globe who will join live product development sessions at the upcoming Corporate Housing Innovation Summit. These sessions are designed to incorporate feedback in order to shorten the development cycle and build the most relevant solutions.

Each continent will be represented by the independent voices of the global mobility and relocation sectors.

  1. North America: Ben Cross, Host of Love + Relo
  2. Europe & Middle East: Nouran Zarroug
  3. Asia Pacific: Keryn Mendes and Jamie Lingham, Host of the Working World
  4. Africa: Rene Stegmann, Owner & Director of Relocation Africa
  5. Latin America: Patricia Tavares, Co-founder of LatamTalks

What is the Corporate Housing Innovation Summit?

The Corporate Housing Innovation Summit is a collaborative product research and development process between AltoVita, mobile employees, Relocation Management Companies (RMCs), global mobility managers and corporate housing experts.

Being a product-driven technology company, we understand that great technology must solve real problems that our industry deals with on a daily basis. Our methodology is Discovery and Design Thinking, prototyping, iteration and testing to launch successful product.

We follow a design thinking framework, which is anchored on first and foremost identifying a problem or requirement from the perspectives of the aforementioned collaborative stakeholders with the following simple 4-step process:

  • Phase 2 Prototype & Iteration: A dedicated product team will analyze the Phase 1 insights and develop solutions that tackle the specific challenges for each region.
  • Phase 3 Soft-launch & Testing (Jun 7th – 11th, 2021): A cohort from each continent will be given private access to trial the actual products. Feedback will and incorporated before the final products are showcased. 
  • Final Phase Product Launch (Jun 21-25, 2021): Over the course of five days, each region’s specifically designed product will be presented and discussed by continent ambassadors.
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