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Updates to Shortlist: Hide Comments, Hide Fees & Much More

Update 1: Hide Comments & Fees

Our clients wanted to have more control over what information is shared with the assignee. We listened! 

Introducing the ability to ‘Hide Prices’ and ‘Hide Comments’ on a case by case basis. Now the AltoVita team can include comments about each property that only the relocation or mobility manager can see, as well as all rates and additional fees. When the Shortlisted options are sent to the assignee, these details disappear!

Update 2: Sort by Preference 

We have now added the ability to choose the order of the property options displayed based on preference, called a “default properties sort.” Whether the key deciding factor is price, area size, or distance to the office, the relocation or mobility manager can now specify this preference when submitting the request. The manager’s review list and the assignee’s list in email will be sorted in order of this key priority. 

Update 3: Add a Second Consultant 

Each Housing Request has a “relocation consultant” attached to it – this is the individual who entered the request. They are the “owner” of the Housing Request and all notification emails go to this person. We have now added the option to indicate a second consultant on the request, so either the team lead can have visibility of all requests or a colleague can be on the request to take over if needed. It is optional to have a second person designated on the request, but it is useful to use in the days before going on holiday!

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