5 continents, 32 countries
On March 25th, 2021, 5 continents and 32 countries joined the first ever open collaboration between Global Mobility and Corporate Housing to future-proof our industry in the 21st century.
The Design Thinking session kicked off AltoVita’s 4-phase Innovation Summit, spanning over five continents for the next two months.
In addition to thought leadership panels and award presentations, we will unveil one new product feature each day during our Product Launch, which will happen on June 21-25, 2021. Register here.
Moderated by Chris Roberts and Ben Cross, each table discussed what is working and what is NOT working in Corporate Housing today that are most relevant to their respective continent.
Over hundreds of problems, solutions ideas and vision were shared during the Design Thinking session.
What were the biggest themes?
In Europe and US, problems identified were around APIs, technology, processes and live rates & availability.
“Technology – need more APIs between temp housing and RMCs. Much time and energy is wasted on both sides copying, pasting, and emailing info back and forth.”
As we were deep diving into the problems from each continent, we saw that many of these actually transcended across continents. Pet and family friendly homes, as well as Work From Home ready amenities were identified across almost all continents, with emphasis in APAC.
Safety & security was the prevalent theme between Latam and Africa, but even so, this problem is is widely spread in the US. In the west coast, intern housing was highlighted as a real issue.
Finally, cost pressure from client and remote locations were highlighted as the prevailing problem across all continents.
What’s next?
Phase 2 Prototype & Iteration (April 26-30, 2021): A dedicated product team led by CEO & Co-founder of AltoVita, Vivi Cahyadi Himmel, will analyze the insights from Phase 1 and develop solutions that tackle the specific challenges for each continent.
Phase 3 Soft-launch & Testing (June 7-11, 2021): A cohort from each continent will be given private access to trial the prototype. Feedback will be incorporated into the finalisation of the new product features.
Final Phase Product Launch (June 21-25, 2021): Over the course of five days, each region’s specifically designed product will be presented and discussed by continent ambassadors and panelists, including mobile employees, relocation and mobility managers.