The Shortlist feature allows a relocation manager to check the hand-selected housing options for each request on their Approval Page and send on directly to the assignee. We have now created a second approval page for corporate clients to use when another layer of approval is required.
Here is the new two-level approval flow
- AltoVita creates a Shortlist of housing options. These are then sent to the Relocation consultant.
- Relocation consultant uses their AltoVita approval page to remove any options they do no not want to submit to the client. These are then sent to the corporate client.
- Corporate client reviews the remaining options on a similar style of approval page which does not require an account on the AltoVita platform. They remove any they do not wish the assignee to receive.
- Relocation consultant is notified the list has been reviewed by the corporate client, and then sends on the remaining approved options directly to the assignee.
- Assignee receives their pre-reviewed options on the AltoVita employee view with map and commute times. They can make their selection with a click of a button.